
负责人: 人力资源

修订日期: 二零一五年八月十三日
最后覆检日期: 2022年6月17日


任何为大学经营业务的个人, is applying for a position or is conducting business on the 大学's property is covered by our alcohol abuse, 工作场所无毒品政策. 我们的政策包括, 但并不局限于所有员工, 包括合约雇员, 承包商, 志愿者, 实习生及申请人.

Our 工作场所无毒品政策 is intended to apply whenever anyone is representing or conducting business for the 大学. 因此, 这项政策适用于所有工作时间, 无论何时开展业务或代表大学, 随时待命, 支付备用, 在大学的财产和大学赞助的活动中.


博天堂官方入口登陆登录致力于保护学生的安全, 我们工作场所的所有员工和其他个人的健康和福祉. 我们认识到,酗酒和吸毒对我们的目标构成重大威胁. We have established a drug-free workplace program that balances our respect for individuals with the need to maintain an alcohol and drug-free environment.

This policy is issued by the 大学 to satisfy the 大学’s obligations under the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988, 41 U.S.C. 第702条和1989年《博天堂官方入口登陆登录手机入口》,20 U.S.C. 1145g.



非法使用是违反我们无毒品工作场所政策的, 拥有, 出售, 贸易, 和/或出售酒类, 毒品:非法药物或麻醉剂. 滥用酒精或非法制造酒精, 分布, 豁免, 禁止在大学拥有或使用受管制物质. 工作场所禁止使用的受控物质包括, 但不限于, 大麻, 其他迷幻剂, 可卡因, 海洛因, 毒品, 安非他明, and their respective derivative forms or other drugs not prescribed by a licensed physician for the treatment of a current medical disorder. 滥用处方药也被这项政策所禁止. The legal use of prescribed drugs is permitted on the job only if it does not impair an employee’s ability to perform the essential functions of the job effectively and in a safe manner for the employee and fellow employees. 雇员必须遵守这项政策,作为受雇的条件.


Any employee who is convicted of a criminal drug violation or alcohol statute for conduct in the workplace, must report the conviction to the 人力资源 Department in writing no later than five calendar days after the conviction.

Any employee who pleads guilty to or otherwise is convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol and who, 作为员工工作的基本职能, 驾驶机动车辆, 可能对自己或他人有危险的机械或其他机动设备, 会否获准驾驶该等车辆, machinery or equipment until the employee has undergone an Employee 援助 Plan (EAP) alcohol and/or drug assessment and has complied with all recommended programs. 另外, to the extent an individual has his/her driver’s license revoked or suspended as a result of a conviction or guilty plea to driving under the influence of alcohol, 在恢复驾驶证之前,他/她将不被允许驾驶此类车辆. The individual may be discharged or may be reassigned to another position during this time period, 视情况而定.

被定罪的雇员可被立即停职或解雇. 联邦合同机构将在适当的时候得到通知.


One of the goals of our drug-free workplace program is to encourage employees to voluntarily seek help with alcohol and/or drug problems. 然而,如果个人违反了这项政策,后果将是严重的.

就申请人而言, 如果他或她违反了无毒工作场所政策, 雇佣的提议可以撤销. 申请人不得再次申请.

违反校规的行为, 包括非法行为, 是否需要采取纠正措施, 直至并包括停职或解雇,无论雇员的类别如何, 根据违规的严重程度和/或频率. 纠正措施将是渐进的,并平等地适用于所有员工, with the exception of those employees who actions necessitate immediate and decisive disciplinary measures including suspension or discharge.


Disciplinary and corrective action(s) may be taken by the 大学 at its discretion taking into account the following steps of progressive discipline when appropriate. The level and steps of discipline to take in a particular situation involve evaluation by the 大学 of the severity of the offense, the circumstances associated with the matter under review and the overall work record of the employee. 大学对这些事项的决定, 包括决定立即解雇一名员工, 是独家, 最终的,有约束力的. 没有必要在每一种情况下都遵循渐进式纪律的每一步.


  • Oral warning with written documentation to the 人力资源 Department and appropriate senior staff member.
  • 向员工发出书面警告,并附上文件副本, 适当的高级工作人员, 直接主管和人力资源部.
  • 如果性能/不当行为问题继续存在, 第二次书面警告将被罚停学三天. 警告文件副本将发给该员工, 适当的高级工作人员, 直接主管和人力资源部.
  • Termination with written documentation to the 人力资源 Department and appropriate senior staff member. 

Any employee who violates the alcohol and drug abuse policy and is not terminated will be subject to a mandatory Employee 援助 Program (EAP) referral for addiction assessment and will be required to attend, 以员工的利益为代价, a recommended treatment program offered by an outside provider if the assessment indicates treatment is appropriate. An employee who completes any required treatment program must also comply with any after-care program established by the treating facility. Failure to comply with any of the above requirements will result in disciplinary action up to and including suspension or termination.


博天堂官方入口登陆登录 recognizes that alcohol and drug abuse and addiction are treatable illnesses. 我们也认识到,早期干预和支持可以提高康复的成功率. 为了支持我们的员工,我们的无毒品工作场所政策:

  • Encourages employees to seek help if they are concerned that they or their family members may have a drug and/or alcohol problem.
  • Encourages employees to utilize the services of qualified professionals in the community to assess the seriousness of suspected drug or alcohol problems and identify appropriate sources of help.
  • Offers all employees and their family member’s assistance with alcohol and drug problems through the Employee 援助 Program (EAP), 林肯金融集团.
  • The EmployeeConnect services through 林肯金融集团 are available to all employees and family members of employees.
  • 访问 guidanceresources.com and enter Username: LFGsupport; password: ;LFGsupport1, or talk with a specialist at 888.628.4824 获取可用的特定资源.
  • 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 allows the use of accrued paid leave while seeking treatment for alcohol and other drug problems.
  • Treatment for alcoholism and/or other drug use disorders may be covered by the employee benefit plan. However, the ultimate financial responsibility for recommended treatment belongs to the employee.


Communicating our 工作场所无毒品政策 to both supervisors and employees is critical to our success. To ensure all employees are aware of their role in supporting our drug-free workplace program:

  • 这项政策包含在员工手册中.
  • 所有员工每年都会通过电子邮件收到一份该政策的书面副本.
  • 该政策将在人力资源部的网页上公布,网址为“my.weiwen93.com”.
  • 该政策将在新员工入职培训中进行审查.
  • 海报和小册子将在所有地点提供.
  • Employee education about the dangers of alcohol and drug use and the availability of help will be provided to all employees.

