Dana Formon博士

Adjunct Psychology Instructor, Forensic Evaluator at the Central State Hospital, Virginia 获取联系信息




Dr. Formon is a full-time forensic evaluator with the Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS).  She is also involved in the training of predoctoral interns and postdoctoral fellows, and provides educational opportunities to Colorado’s multidisciplinary team of forensic service providers.  She is actively engaged in research of criminal and forensic issues, 包括:罪犯改造, 矫正环境中的积极心理学, 受审能力, 心理状态防御, and the impacts of burnout and vicarious trauma on evaluators.  She completed her postdoctoral fellowship in forensic psychology at CDHS, 进行能力评估, sanity, 精神状态, 暴力风险.  Her predoctoral internship was with the Federal Correctional Complex in Butner, 北卡罗莱纳州(司法部), 监狱局), where she also completed forensic evaluations in addition to providing general psychological services to general population inmates, and individual and group therapy to civilly committed sexually violent predators.  While Dr. Formon工作很努力, 她玩得更努力了, and can be found training for marathons and triathlons in her free time. 


  • 2020 – Colorado Department of Human Services, Postdoctoral Fellowship in Forensic Psychology
  • 2019 -山姆休斯顿州立大学,博士.D. 临床心理学
  • 2015 -山姆休斯顿州立大学,M.A. 临床心理学
  • 2013 -德雷塞尔大学,学士学位.S. 在心理学中
  • 2020 -东南密苏里州立大学,B.F.A. 舞蹈表演


  • 法医心理学
  • 心理评估
  • 监狱心理学
  • 罪犯改造


Torres, L., Patton, C. L., Formon, D. L.桥本,N., Gray, T. (In press). Forensic assessment in the time of COVID-19: The Colorado Experience in Developing Video Conferencing for Evaluating Adjudicative Competency. 心理学,公共政策和法律.
Schmidt, A. T.林赛,H. M., Dennis, E., Wilde, E. A.比克曼,B. D., Chu, Z. D., Hanten, G. R., Formon, D. L.斯普里尔,M. S., Hunter, J. V., & Levin, H. S. (In Press). Diffusion tensor imaging correlates of resilience following adolescent traumatic brain injury. 认知与行为神经学.
Pirelli, G., Formon, D. L., & Maloney, K. (2020). 预防替代性创伤(VT), 同情疲劳, and burnout (BO) in forensic mental health: 法医心理学 as exemplar. 职业心理学:研究与实践. doi: 10.1037 / pro0000293
Yasuhara K., Formon. D. L.菲利普斯,S。., & Yenne, E. M. (2019). Development of a measure of mental health stigma including police behaviors. 精神病学,心理学和法学, 26(4), 520-529. doi:10.1080/13218719.2018.1507845
Formon, D. L. & 亨德森,C. (2018年冬季). A Survey of Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) treatment practices in juvenile treatment programs. 新泽西心理学家, 68, 14-15.
Formon, D. L.施密特,A. T., & 亨德森,C. (2018). Examining employment outcomes of offender and non-offender vocational program graduates. 国际 罪犯治疗与比较犯罪学杂志, 62(9), 2781-2800. doi: 10.1177/0306624X17735041
DeMatteo, D., Edens, J. F.加洛韦,M., Cox, J., Smith, S.T., & Formon, D. (2014). The role and reliability of the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised in U.S. sexually violent predator evaluations: A case law survey. 法律与人类行为, 38(3), 248-255. doi: 10.1037 / lhb0000059
Formon, D.  (2012).  Bruises, costumes, auditions, and quick changes – Dancers as a subculture? The 33rd费城:德雷克塞尔出版集团.
Formon, D. L. 3月(2021). Strengths-Based Offender Rehabilitation: The Good Lives Model. Invited lecture provided to masters-level students at Denver University. Denver, CO.
Formon, D. L. (2020年12月). 积极心理学概论.  Invited presentation given to the CDHS Forensic Services Team. Pueblo, CO.
Formon, D.L. (2020年11月). 美好生活模式的实际应用.  Invited presentation given to the CDHS Forensic Services Team. Pueblo, CO.
Formon, D.L. (2020年4月). 住院心理护理导论.  Invited presentation given to masters-level students at Denver University. Denver, CO.
此外,Dr。. Formon has presented research during the annual conferences of the American Psychological Association, 和美国心理法律协会16次.


  • 2019年3月至今-同行审稿人 法律与人类行为
  • 2018年6月至今-同行审稿人 国际 罪犯治疗与比较犯罪学杂志
  • June 2017 - August 2020 – Graduate Student Reviewer for 心理科学中的翻译问题
  • May 2016 - May 2017 – Student Co-Extern for the Sam Houston Area Psychological Association
  • May 2015 - August 2017 – Comunications Officer for the American Psychology-Law Society Student Committee
  • September 2014 - September 2015 – Psi Chi Graduate Student Mentor


  • August 2018 – APA Division 18 (Criminal Justice Section) Dissertation Award
  • November 2015 – Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award Nominee
  • 2015年5月- AP-LS学生研究旅行奖
  • April 2015 – Most Impactful Research, SHSU Graduate Research Exchange
  • August 2013 – AP-LS Undergraduate Paper Award (First Place)


I consider my style to be highly interactive and energetic. 可以说是近乎古怪. 我认为这是最容易学的, 因此最容易教, when everyone is having fun and digging into every content area in class in a way that excites them and leaves them with more questions than when they started. 


I’ve been so fortunate to have so many wonderful supervisors and instructors during my formative training years, 这激发了我的效仿. 另外, I am a huge psychology nerd and will welcome any and all opportunities to share my love of this subject with others. I love teaching students to think critically and constantly evaluate the veracity of things they read, hear, and see. It is what makes for good clinicians and good researchers, and it is they who will form the bedrock of the mental health profession! 


I like utilizing content from unexpected areas: Podcasts, YouTube视频, pop culture, 主流科学报道, etc. It reminds us that science and critical thinking opportunities are all around us! I also like to find ways to incorporate students’ unique interests into a course’s subject matter, because learning doesn’t only have to be about what the instructor thinks is fun or exciting. 另外, 我喜欢课堂讨论和小组学习, because it helps to foster the skills students will someday need to be an active and contributing member to a clinical treatment or research team. I may also *accidentally* leave a picture or two of my dog in my presentations from time to time…


I wholeheartedly believe there is no such thing as a stupid question. Being a student (regardless of where you are at in life) is the time when you really can ask all the questions, 检验所有的假设, 犯错误. 这是你作为学生的职责!  培养尝试的意愿, 或者问一个看似愚蠢的问题, is so important to your professional development in the long run. 出于这个原因, I strive to create a safe learning environment where people can actively participate, think, question, and explore new ideas without having to worry about the voice in their head telling them they might be wrong. 