Carroll's new cadaver lab

作者: Malcolm McDowell Woods

Published Date: 9/22/2017

类别: 生物学 F1RST Fall 2017 F1RST杂志 Health Sciences Physician Assistant Studies

The body knows

In Carroll's new cadaver lab, the dead have much to teach

阿尔玛105岁了. We know how she died—hypovolemia, 她的血容量减少与脱水有关,但仅此而已, not about how she lived.

We don’t even know her real name. 阿尔玛 was given to her by the students in Dr. 在卡罗尔的尸体实验室里,莫妮卡·鲍德里奇的课上.

鲍德里奇是医师助理研究的副教授,也是健康与医学系的系主任. This summer-long class is PHA500: Human Gross Anatomy. 对于这批想要获得硕士学位的新学生来说 physician assistant studies这门课是他们对这个项目、对尸体解剖和对阿尔玛的介绍.

阿尔玛的尸体是学生们本学期要解剖的三具尸体之一. There is Cooper, an 87-year-old man who died from colon cancer, 和比阿特丽斯, a 66-year-old woman who died from gastro-esophageal cancer. 像阿尔玛, which means soul in Spanish, 在实验室的第一次会议上,学生们已经命名了它们.

This particular Friday morning lab is historic, 第一次是在迈克尔和玛丽·贾哈里斯科学实验室地下室的新尸体实验室进行的. “我们今天要给教室施洗礼,”鲍德里奇告诉她的学生. Baldridge and Adjunct Lecturer Dr. 洛里·布洛克(Lori Brock)教这门课已经很多年了,但总是在另一所大学. 依赖于其他设施意味着卡罗尔的班级没有优先安排,而且尸体不能供卡罗尔的学生在课外学习.

在卡罗尔, the cadavers are kept in a separate locked storage area, 课堂上的学生可以在教学楼开放的时候进入.

Bodies in the cadaver lab have several lives. New bodies will arrive annually, 准备好接受新一批医师助理研究生的解剖. Once a body has been thoroughly dissected, 或解剖, it will remain in the lab as a specimen for other classes. 遗体最终将被送回威斯康辛医学院(MCW)火化. 一些骨灰可能会与家人团聚,其他骨灰将由MCW埋葬.

“这些人通过捐赠他们的身体给了我们一份真正的礼物,” Baldridge tells the class. 学生们似乎明白,这里典型的一等学生的紧张情绪被严肃的气氛压得喘不过气来. 当鲍德里奇告诉17个女人和3个男人是时候去见尸体了, there are more than a few deep exhalations.

Most of the students have dissected animals previously, and many have already seen prosected bodies, 但对一些人来说, this is 第一次, 也是我成为医师助理的重要里程碑.

上课前,学生Kasia Czajkowska-Baciak承认自己很紧张. “I was nervous because I wasn’t sure how I’d react. I was scared I may actually pass out,” she said. “我在波兰长大,在那里,人死后,尸体被放在家里,直到葬礼. I saw many dead people throughout my childhood. All these memories were sad and it made me anxious.

我已经学会了尊重死者,我不确定我是否能做解剖. 当我们真正打开尸体并开始的时候,情况好多了. I just had to look at this from a different perspective. 这些人决定捐献他们的遗体,这样我们就可以学习. 他们值得我们的尊重,我试着通过尽可能多地学习来表达这一点.”

In this way, the dead teach the living.


Examining a cadaver

Beginning examination of cadaver

阿尔玛, Beatrice and Cooper arrived at Carroll from the MCW, 它经营着一个解剖礼物登记项目,并为卡罗尔等学校准备尸体. 这些尸体经过了广泛而特殊的防腐处理,并被密封在袋子里. Once properly embalmed, 尸体完全没有任何细菌,在使用前可以储存长达几年.

Baldridge notes the indicated cause of death, 尽管她警告说,学生可能会出现其他疾病的迹象, injuries or even causes of death during their examinations. “You never know what to expect: pacemakers, 但是你需要记下你找到的任何东西.”

And then it is time. 三张桌子,每张桌子上都带着一个蓝色的大包,被推进了教室. The students have broken into three teams, one to each body, 然后他们小心翼翼地开始把尸体从袋子里拿出来,把袋子里的防腐液抽干.

当被问及第一次见到阿尔玛的感受时,安·韦斯曼回答说:“感激。. “我认为,在把它看作一个研究标本和意识到它是一个人的生命之间,这将是一个不断来回的过程.”

Over the next two months, 学生们将会对他们刚刚见到的这个身体有更深入的了解. 他们将切割、抬起和探查,观察身体是如何结合在一起的,以及它是如何运作的. Experiencing this with a real body is a priceless benefit. 

“I can actually see how the structures are interconnected, how the body is built, how different tissues look,” noted Czajkowska-Baciak. “这与塑料模型有很大的不同,塑料模型中的所有东西都是完美的形状和形状. In the body, nothing looks that perfect. 我们可以观察所有人的身体,比较肌肉、神经和血管的构造和结构. 我们可以在手中感受到它们的质地,并学会区分它们. 我们打开了脊柱和头骨,观察了脊髓, 的脊椎, 大脑, various ligaments. 当你自己做的时候,它有助于学习,我希望当我成为一名私人助理时,能记住我们现在做的很多事情.”

The dissections follow a consistent progression: the skin, the outer layer is examined first; then the back and a look at its dense, criss-crossing musculature; next the upper chest; then arms and shoulders; then the various elements of the nervous system—the 大脑, spinal cord and face; then the abdomen, with its motherlode of critical organs; and finally, the reproductive system and legs.  

皮肤苍白,呈灰色,没有血液,看起来几乎是半透明的. 肌肉和骨骼缺乏清晰度——随着时间的推移,身体已经固定在扁平的桌子上. 

阿尔玛的小组已经慢慢旋转了她的身体,他们将进行俯卧解剖. 第一个任务是找到她的脊椎,但平坦无特征的表面很难辨认. 然后, 第一次, gloved hand reaches out and presses lightly on the back, feeling for the spinal column. 另一个学生也会轻轻地探查,然后他们一起开始定位地标. 今天, they’ll be making a rectangular incision on the back, 剥开皮肤来定位和识别斜方肌和背阔肌, 大, triangular muscles that extend over the neck and shoulders.

They have studied for this moment, poring over anatomy textbooks and watching endless, 循环的视频. 他们制作了彩色的插图,写了无数的笔记. It has all led them here, to this room and to this sharp edge of a scalpel, to this profound and intimate moment. 

There are more deep breaths. 然后手术刀深入皮肤,阿尔玛的身体准备暴露她的秘密. 

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